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Product Series:Cold storage

Release date:2023-07-20

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Storage and preservation, also known as preservation and preservation, mainly involves preserving the original quality and freshness of some agricultural products for a long period of time. This means that fresh agricultural products are still in their fresh state and quality when they are just picked or close to being picked after a period of preservation and storage.

The relationship between temperature and the preservation and storage of agricultural products: After picking, agricultural products are fresh and highly nutritious in a short period of time. In order to maintain their life during storage, they must cut off the consumption of their stored nutrients, gradually losing their nutritional value and fresh quality. In addition, pests can also use the stored nutrients of agricultural products as food, resulting in their decay and deterioration, loss of freshness and edible value. How to improve the nutrition and quality of agricultural products after harvesting, temperature is an important influencing factor. Generally speaking, the lower the temperature, the lower the nutritional consumption of the product, the lower the harm of pests and diseases, and the longer the time to maintain fresh quality. The smaller the temperature change, the better the preservation effect. The preservation temperature is not necessarily as low as possible, as too low a temperature can also cause freezing damage. Therefore, preservation and storage require a relatively stable and suitable low temperature condition.

Maintaining the temperature for the preservation and storage of agricultural products: The temperature is constantly changing with the season and time of the day. Most agricultural products are conventionally cultivated and harvested during the season, and the temperature is relatively high with a large range of changes day and night, making it unsuitable for the preservation and storage of products. Many simple methods are to find a place with a relatively low and stable natural temperature to store agricultural products, such as caves, earth cellars, shaded areas, etc., to extend the freshness period of the products. These methods cannot control the temperature arbitrarily, resulting in poor freshness and a relatively short freshness period. To meet the temperature requirements for long-term preservation and storage of products, the solution still relies on manually creating a relatively stable low temperature condition, which can be artificially controlled within a certain range through mechanical equipment and electronic instruments. Common cold storage facilities are such facilities. Most agricultural products have a preservation temperature of around 0 ℃.

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Zhejiang Sunvi Electric Co., Ltd.
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No.6 Hengmao Road, Fangqiao Industrial Zone, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province